Friday, January 23, 2009

Betty White & Slash vs. Lisa Simpson, et al.

It's a crap premise for a piece of fiction, but, in reality, it works ...

Golden Girl Betty White and Guns N' Roses rocker Slash team up to battle a veritable army of fellow celebrities on behalf of Billy the Elephant at the Los Angeles Zoo.

Weird, but true.

In the battle over whether to keep the elephant at the zoo, or to place him in a sanctuary, it's Betty White and Slash vs. Kim Basinger, Susan Sarandon, James Franco, Brendan Fraser, Alicia Silverstone, James Cromwell, Willie Nelson, Lily Tomlin, Bob Barker, Ed Begly, Jr., Bill Maher, Cher, Madeleine Stowe, Goldie Hawn, Bea Arthur, Tippi Hendren, Lisa Simpson ...

Lisa Simpson?

That's what it says at

Lisa Simpson.

— TJ Sullivan in LA

* Cross posted at LA Observed.


  1. Betty White and Slash are the REAL THING. They just don't give lip service to an issue, they have extensive knowledge and experience to back it up. Both of these celebrities have not only experiences with many zoos, but especially the LA Zoo and its keeper staff. Their agendas are to protect the mission of all zoos and to make sure that they play a role in making sure animals don't become extinct.

  2. What nonsense. Betty White has consistently opposed any effort ever to help animals in zoos, as has Jack Hanna. But the issue isn't "celebrity vs celebrity" as you would have us believe; the issue is that Billy has suffered for years under the "care" provided by the LA Zoo and why on earth should we believe that they are going to do any better now? They have allowed 14 elephants to die prematurely, including Gita who was in a sitting/recumbent position for something like 17 HOURS - and you better believe she suffered - before the devoted staff found her. Whatever their wonderful statements of intent, why would we believe that anything will improve, other than cosmetically? Where are they going to get this wonderful herd that will keep Billy company??? And let's not pretend that this is doing anything for conservation - these animals will never become part of the wild population. If you want to help wild elephants, and you should, put some of those MILLIONS toward helping preserve land in their range countries. THat would actually help to keep them from extinction.


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