Saturday, August 26, 2006

Best SWAG (Stuff We All Get)

Every convention it seems attendees are given a bag to hold all the bric-a-brac that will either end up gathering dust on a desktop for years, or, more likely, fall to the floor and end up dwelling in the dark space between the file cabinet and the wall until the next newsroom reorganization.

The best SWAG at the SPJ National Conference and Convention this year, in my opinion, has to be the UL Dude, a spongey guy in a lab coat about the size of a salt shaker.

He's intended to promote a new web feature by Underwriters Laboratory Inc..

UL reps said people had snagged 250 of the dudes since the convention began.

In contrast, attendees picked up just 68 copies of a book that was being given away by another vendor.

— TJ Sullivan

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I beg to differ, TJ. I loved being able to load up on about two dozen pens and at least as many reporters' notebooks (while hoping no one noticed my acquisitiveness). We independents tend to go mad when we see free office supplies. It brings out the greedy streak.

    But on a more serious note, it was great meeting you this weekend. I like your style in person, and you were a great panelist on the sports session. And I really love your site (with the great LA photos) and was especially pleased to learn you have a blog. I'll be checking back here regularly.


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