Photo By TJ Sullivan
Click to e-mail TJ Sullivan in LA
Independent reporting and commentary from TJ Sullivan, a national award-winning writer, formerly of Los Angeles, now living in Chicago. Sullivan is an author, independent journalist, photographer and college-level journalism instructor who has been featured as a speaker at several national writing conferences. To request an interview, or to inquire about scheduling Sullivan to speak at your event, please include the name and address of your organization and a contact telephone number.
Not many yachts equipped with on-board helicopters cruise within scoffing distance of Venice Beach, so when the Princess Mariana drifted lazily past on Sunday afternoon it was … well, OK, only a few people actually seemed to notice.
Perhaps everyone but yours truly was already aware that the Princess Mariana, a 258-foot vessel that calls one of the most desirable charters, reportedly rents for a whopping $606,500 a week.
That works out to about $1 per second, which is about how long it took to focus and snap the photograph above. I couldn't find any references to fuel consumption, but it's got to be horrible for something so …