Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A 5.8 Earthquake Shakes LA*

Just had a good-sized shaker in Los Angeles. Lasted for about five to 10 seconds here in Westwood Village, near UCLA. Phone service is spotty. Still can't get a call out on my mobile and it's been half an hour. Here's the particulars from the USGS:
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 11:42:15 AM (PDT)

5.8 - local magnitude (ML)

Approximate Epicenter Distance From:
Chino Hills, CA - 3 km (2 miles) SW (235 degrees)
Diamond Bar, CA - 8 km (5 miles) SE (127 degrees)
Yorba Linda, CA - 9 km (5 miles) NNE (23 degrees)
Pomona, CA - 11 km (7 miles) S (178 degrees)
Los Angeles Civic Center, CA - 47 km (29 miles) ESE (103 degrees)

*The quake magnitude has since been adjusted to 5.4.

Click to e-mail TJ Sullivan in LA

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

LAO: Beyond Baroque Better Clear This Up

Crossposted at LA Observed:

Photo from Beyond Baroque at flickr
The issue of Beyond Baroque's lack of a lease may not be as simple as suggested in the press release sent out Tuesday by "Friends of Beyond Baroque." [See prior post here.]

Writer and blogger Veronique de Turenne, over at the Los Angeles Times blog L.A. Now, reports that the hitch looks to have more to do with a disagreement about sharing performance space with longtime neighbor L.A. Theatre Works, and not an outright loss of "the lease pertaining to its historic theater," as stated in the news release from "Friends of Beyond Baroque."

Prior to posting today's item here and over at LA Observed, yours truly attempted to confirm the veracity of the "Friends of Beyond Baroque" press release via e-mail with Fred Dewey, executive director of Beyond Baroque.

Dewey's initial response: "I am afraid it is true. It appears something has gone very badly awry ..."

This afternoon, however, Dewey followed with an e-mail emphasizing that the "press release was not from us, to be clear, but we will probably issue one shortly."


Surely this can't just be a matter of Beyond Baroque being selfish, can it?

Of course, there's no reason to expect Beyond Baroque to do anything less than dispense with the ambiguities and say it like it is. As a proponent of self-expression, Beyond Baroque will surely settle for nothing less than the plain truth. To do otherwise would make those who take the trouble to defend its good works feel ... um ... used.

Click to e-mail TJ Sullivan.

LAO: Beyond Baroque In Another Bind*

Crossposted at LA Observed:

Photo from Beyond Baroque at flickr
A news release put out Tuesday afternoon by Friends of Beyond Baroque makes it sound as though someone was duped, discombobulated, or maybe just plain defiant when the Los Angeles City Council resolved in February to renew the venerable arts organization's lease in Venice.

Here's the gist of it:

After a delay of four months since the unanimous passage of the Los Angeles City Council's Resolution of February 29, 2008 renewing Beyond Baroque's lease to all its current space at 681 Venice Blvd., for the next 25 years, the lease remains unsigned.

We have learned from sources inside City Hall that, contrary to the City Council Resolution of February 29, 2008, Beyond Baroque, a nationally recognized cultural institution based in Venice, may lose the part of the lease pertaining to its historic theater, the heart of its operations since 1979. Loss of the lease to its historic theater would cripple Beyond Baroque's control over its future and severely impair its capacity to represent and serve the community as it has for forty years.

We, representatives of the Friends of Beyond Baroque, call upon all people who care about Beyond Baroque to contact Councilman Bill Rosendahl [Snip ...] to urge him to uphold the Council Resolution awarding Beyond Baroque's lease to all its historic space and protect this precious Venice institution intact ...

Los Angeles City Councilmember Bill Rosendahl said in February 2008 that Beyond Baroque had been saved after the City Council unanimously approved his motion to direct city agencies to renew and extend a low-cost lease intended to allow Beyond Baroque to keep its headquarters at 681 Venice Blvd. through 2032. No public mention was made at that time of any plans to subdivide the building.

[For background see 02/20/2008 post ... 02/28/2008 post ... 02/29/2008 post ... and 03/01/2008 Los Angeles Times story.]

*UPDATE: See updated post here.

Click to e-mail TJ Sullivan in LA